Wednesday 31 October 2007

The innocuous Bristol I-Soc

I joined the I-Soc this year to learn more about Islam and Muslims. I figured it was safe here (in Brizzie) because the I-Soc is meant to be rather 'innocuous', 'moderate', and whatever other adjectives you care to throw around. I had been told that the I-Soc and the J-Soc have had good relations, even if not perfect.Strangely enough, the I-Soc and J-soc stalls at Fresh were located next to one another. Thus any possible contrast between the two would be easy. I figured that neither would have particularly strong words to say about Israel or Palestine (being a public forum), but that neither would leave their 'version' unmentioned. I was wrong about that. On the J-Soc side there were only two mentions of Israel 1) subsidized trips 2)a case for peace between Israel and the Palestinians and Arabs. Seemingly missing an opportunity to in some way defend the legitimacy of Israel, but I supposed it was felt that the J-soc should be as dovish as possible.Not so on the I-soc front.They had ready and visible material pleading for the Palestinian cause. Fair enough, and I should certainly hope they care about their brethren. Of course, I looked in the pamphlets and saw a great deal of half-truths, outright lies, and outright incitement. Suffice it to say, not what I expected from a 'innocuous' group. Nonetheless, I realize how important and pervasive the conflict is within Arab and Islamic society, and why it pushes so many buttons. Maybe it wasnt the best place for it, but still- the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is a sensitive and passion-filled subject, and it must e hard for Muslims not to continually show their support. I only wished they'd do it just a little more 'politely.'So, all in all, stuff I didn't expect, but also didn't blow me out the water. Muslims don't like Israel? Muslims think Israel is evil and commits tons of crimes? Well, duh. That's nice for them. Besides, I was more bothered by crap that the 'Respest' people put in their pamphlets at the UWE fresh. This seemed....almost innocent.But why I am I writing about this now????Why a month later? Was I really busy starting the semester? Ha!- I wish that was my excuse.Our flat (or rather, my flat-mates) was doing some cleaning to impress the people who might give us a new sofa tomorrow. And one of my flat-mates discovered a pamphlet I picked up at the Fresh- 'The Hijab Why.' Why did I pick it up? I know the basic reasoning behind it- the same as why Orthodox women will dress more modestly and cover their hair when married. Simple, huh? Well, I wanted to know if there was more to it. Islam isnt a different form of Judaism/Christianity. There is a good deal in common, but a great deal of divergence. The creation story, the volition of angels, the order of the Prophets, etc. I wanted to know any additional reasons.But that wasn't my only motivation. I am fascinated by the psychology and process of belief- how do beliefs form, why are some arguments persuasive and others not,etc. I've looked at Jewish pamphlets trying to do similar things (like get people to marry Jewish, believe in G-d, etc) and wanted to see about similarities and differences. Basically, how do they convince people to wear the Hijab?So, about 40 minutes ago, I opened to the middle, as is my wont, a found a nice suprise in the justification of Hijab. (p. 29)

" (10) Tabar'roj is the way of the Jews
"Jews have an important role in the destruction of nations through the Fitna (seduction/temptation) of women. The spread of Tabar'roj is an effective weapon of their widespread establishments. They have an extensive experience in this field. One should look around only to see who runs Hollywood and famous Houses of 'Fashions' and 'Magazines' as well as the world of advertisement."

(Tabar'roj being defined as 'display of woman's charm' p. 20)

NICE!!! Always a little jew-roasting to rouse up support for your religious practice that HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TINY TINY AMOUNT OF JEWS IN THE WORLD.

'Nuf said.

Seriously, if want to see it- come ask me and I will you show where it says it.

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