Monday, 17 March 2008

G-d why have you?

אלי אלי למה עזבתני

האם נטרח בעולה תמימה ושכחתני

ענית אבותי ולא עניתני

האם גם כן הלכת

כי איפה השבוע שנשבעת

אוכל נרדם אולי מספר

הרבה ארבה את זרעכם עד לא יסופר

בימי הצורך יגעתי ולא נמצאת

בקשתי אלי נא ענה ושקטת

אולי אמתין עוד מעט ותלמידני

כי חשבתי שחשקתני

כי עכשיו נראה רק שכזבתני

My G-d, my G-d, why have you forsaken me?

Are you too busy with your perfect offering, that you’ve forgotten me?

You answered my fathers, but you did not answer me

Have you also went-

For where is the promise that you made-

Are you eating, sleeping, perhaps talking?

‘I will surely increase your offspring until they cannot be counted’

In the days of need, I strained, but you were not to be found

I pleaded ‘My G-d, please answer me,’ but you were silent

Perhaps I should wait a little more and then you will teach me

For I thought that you want me

Because right now it seems only that you lied to me.

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