Thursday 27 March 2008

May his name be sanctified

יתגדל ויתקדש שמיה רבה

שוכן ממרום עלה ונתעלה

פושט יד לאביונום ונותן להם התקווה

ומקים את עמך אשר בם בחרת

ושרתי עוד ישמע בערי יהודה

וראיתי כל העם צהלה ושמחה

אבל רוצה לשאול איכה

May His name be magnified and sanctified

He dwells upon high, higher and higher

He extends his hand to the destitute and gives to them 'The Hope'

And He establishes his nation that in them He has chosen

And I've sung 'May it be heard in the cities of Judah'

And I saw the whole nation 'Cheerful and Happy'

But I would like to ask, however, 'Where are you?'


Batya said...

Watching us and waiting for us to do the right thing.

Whaty What? said...

oh no, its not about why hasn't G-d responded, but literally- where is he? if you've noticed my previous two poems, they are about the contradictions of 'faith' in G-d. The first two contrast the 'holocaust' (i.e. shoah) with the beautiful gift of Israel, this poem is meant to show the internal contradiction of feeling exultation at the worship of a G-d that one isn't really sure is even there....

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