Monday 5 November 2007

Racist, Racist, You're a Racist!

Much like the intimidating chants that frequent childhood, many of us never grow up. Instead of using our intellect to argue issue, and refute them, most of us simply cry foul when disagreed with. Often, as I've previously noted, the complaint issued is usually what the complainer is guilty of. And today, yet another case is upon us.

Ynetnews reports a bill being brought to the Knesset floor that would require all to either serve in the army, or in national service, in order to receive citizenship to Israel. However Mk Ahmed Tibi complains that:
I won't be surprised when the day comes that factories will be obligated to put the flag of Israel and the slogan 'Jewish, democratic state' on canned food, yogurt containers, and traditional Arab olive-press. We have had enough of this populist, racist trend this is another populist bills of extreme-rightist MKs whose goal is to tie the basic right for citizenship with a nonconsensual ideological statement.
However, it is Tibi who is being the racist. Demanding special treatment is racism. Period. And that is what he is demanding. He wants exemption for the Arabs, as they have now, so that they can continued their status a people within a people. It is high time to end this farce- every Jew has to serve in the army or national service, so should every Arab. (and Hareidi)

But wait- is it really that simple? Maybe Tibi is right- after all, the oath does require everyone to swear fealty to Israel's nature as Jewish and democratic. Isn't the Jewish bit racist? Simple question here- is the State of Israel as a Jewish state racist? I don't mean in actuality, but rather in theory. Germany is a German state, and has similar laws (such as a law of return). Perhaps Japan is a better example- non-Japanese, no matter how assimilated, are always ostracized there. So, if the concept of a Jewish state, wherein minorities have equal rights, is not racist, then why should the added oath and service be problematic?

It seems first off that the service is exactly as I claimed it was- completely egalitarian. The oath, however, seems to be no different than the obligation to obey the law. You don't have to be Jewish to respect a Jewish state. In fact, you don't have to suffer in any way. Just like England is a Christian state, even though most people here are atheists.

That said, I think the phrasing of the oath is stupid- the national service is much more to the point. Israel has more than its fair share of groups that want to destroy the state. They simply don't view themselves as part of it. The obvious solution, and the one that has worked for years, it to bond all by nation building. And not the kind that GW does.

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