Thursday 15 November 2007

Hi! I'm an idiot, who are you?

I've just found out that my blog has the readability level of a junior high schooler. My Facebook profile is only slightly better; I'm at the grand level of high schooler. I realized last year that my English is nowhere near where it needs to be; I just did not realize quite how atrocious it was. The meter I used was odd: individual posts were all labeled genius, and some archives are labeled postgraduate level. I suppose that it needs the other posts as a backdrop for evaluation.

My English language skills are poor as a result of my years as Yeshiva. Aside from not writing in English for 6 years, I spoke in the dialect of Yeshivish. Its dictionary is quite the hilarious read. Making matters worse was the fact that I spent almost 16 hours a day studying texts in Hebrew and Aramaic.

The moral of the story? My English is horrible, but hopefully improving. So, if you find my thoughts remotely interesting, please bear with me.

Of course, the rating could simply be due to my lack of sophisticated argument, originality, and general level of insight. Naw.

Edit: In actuality, my poor ranking probably has more to do with the infantile and insulting rants that sometimes pervade my blog. I hope to stop those types of posts.

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