Wednesday 7 November 2007

Woot! Technology

Having begun to storm my way into the blogosphere, (what was it, like 10 posts in 4 months?) I've started to figure out how to use this thing a little better. And I've got news for me. Some of it is quite gratifying, and some of it quite scary.

I've learned that I am ranked 8,911,336 out of all blogs. Yeah, I have a number! I hope to be past 8,911,335 by the end of the year. Maybe if I keep up the ranting, and non-linkage to other blogs! I've also found out that that the stunt I pulled at Ynet, where I simply linked to this blog in a comment, worked quite well. Although, almost everyone left straight away. My post wasn't that interesting- I readily admit that. Also, I was only half done when I linked to it. Well, I thought I was done- but then knowing that people had read it, and left quickly, made me want to make it better. Just not very much.

But, it's also scary the stuff I can find out, and easily. I know all the IP addresses of everyone who come to this blog. No, I know nothing about what to do with that, but it's scary that that information is so easily available. Plus, I probably put way too much of my own information out there. But I refuse to blog anonymously, and I don't look like that anymore. Quite an old picture- back from my days at HotOrNot.

That being said- I hope to make my continually less sucky. We'll see how that turns out!

One thing I do want to find out- how do I get authority? I want it! I want it! Gimme!

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