Monday 5 November 2007

Timely news

The Canadian National Post is reporting that new information is to be released regarding the Jewish refugees from Arab Lands. Never heard of them? See here for a good start. They are planning to use this information to pressure Abbas to drop the right of return from the agenda at the upcoming Annapolis conference. What new information? Simply put-
New research shows there was Arab inter-state "collusion" to
persecute Jews in Arab countries after Israel's creation, former federal justice
minister Irwin Cotler and Jewish rights scholars will announce today in New
Yet another example of the guilty placing their guilt on others- aside from an isolated incident, Jewish leaders continually asked the Arabs dwelling in Palestine not to leave. Yes, many of them left because of the war- but they weren't driven out like the Jews were.
As well, many members of the Arab league have met in Syria to discuss the continuation of their economic boycott of Israel. Oh, you did not know that? You thought it was only the evil Israel who did naughty stuff? Oops. Anyhow, with Fayyad making loads of demands from Israel to encourage the Peace Process, why don't the Arabs follow in suit?
Either way, it's easy to see how parties are using information to manipulate the peace process. I wonder, if I bothered for more than five minutes, how many other examples I could find?

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